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Support us in supporting Kentucky's artists and craftspeople.
Leave a one-time donation

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Corporate Sponsorship

When you become a corporate sponsor of the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen you are not only helping ensure the future of Kentuckyʹs creative talents, you are also gaining brand exposure to the thousands of people who are touched by the Guildʹs workshops, exhibits, festivals, and outreach efforts. All sponsorship levels are yearly and include a subscription to our newsletter, The Guild Record.


Platinum Sponsors - $3,000

- Presenting sponsor of Fall Market Days, our signature event, with your logo displayed prominently on all banners at the event and recognition as a presenting sponsor on all event advertising.

- Special recognition on the Guildʹs social media once each month for a year.

- Logo on all Guild newsletters, advertising,

and press releases.

- A feature on your business in one issue of the newsletter.

- A sign in the Guildʹs gallery indicating your platinum


- Special invitations to all Guild events.


Diamond Sponsors - $2,000

- Your logo as a supporting sponsor on Fall Market Day banners and advertising.

- Logo on all advertising, press releases, and newsletters.

- Special recognition on the Guild's social media six times during the year.

- A sign in the Guildʹs gallery indicating your diamond sponsorship.

- A feature on your business once in the Guildʹs newsletter.

- Special invitations to Guild events.


Gold Sponsors - $1,000

- Your logo on all Guild advertising, press releases, and newsletters for a year.

- A feature on your business in the Guildʹs newsletter.

- Special recognition on the Guild's social media four times per year.

- A sign at the Guildʹs gallery indicating your gold


- Special invitations to Guild events.


Silver Sponsors - $500

- Special recognition on the Guildʹs social media two times over the course of a year.

- A sign in the Guildʹs gallery indicating your

silver sponsorship.

- Your logo on the Guildʹs newsletters.

- An inside page feature in the Guildʹs newsletter.

- Special invitations to Guild events.


Bronze Sponsors - $250

- Special recognition on the Guildʹs social media two times over the course of a year.

- Your logo on the Guildʹs newsletter.

- A sign in the Guildʹs gallery indicating your bronze sponsorship.

- Special invitations to Guild events.


In-Kind Donations

From our daily operations to our large events, in-kind donations are always needed and welcomed. Businesses and individuals who make an in-kind contribution to the Guild will be recognized on social media and in our newsletter. If your donation is intended for a specific event, you will be recognized on marketing for that event.


What are some ways you can help with in-kind donations? Printer paper is always a need as are cleaning supplies,

certain types of shelving and display cases, and volunteer time to help with general tasks. Also, we would love to have

a newer computer!


For more information on in-kind donations, email us at or call 859.986.3192.

Guild Supporters

Guild Supporters are any individual who understands the importance of the arts to the culture and economy of Kentucky and backs the Guild's mission. For only $50 per year our supporters receive:



  • Membership card

  • Discounted admission to Guild events and workshops

  • Regular Guild email updates

  • Invitations to special Guild events

  • Subscription to the Guild's newsletter


For more information on becoming an Exhibiting Guild Member or a Supporter, email us at or call 859.986.3192.

Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen
137 North Broadway

Berea, Kentucky 40403

(859) 986-3192

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